DUNDAS MAN - James Hayes

Dundas London visits James Hays, the artist who is currently taking London by storm.

 “Linen is the ultimate natural fabric that has been worn and adored by Phoenicians and Venetians, by artists and art-lovers”

Once referred to as a modern day John Singer Sargent, critically acclaimed portrait painter James Hayes is surprisingly modest, but his work speaks volumes. Trained at the internationally renowned Charles H. Cecil Studios in Florence, James now lives and works in London. He can either be found at his magnificent West London studio or painting al fresco in Hyde Park, where he is currently working on an oil painting of the Peter Pan sculpture.

With his loyal dog Alphonse Mucha always sitting beside him, James has an adept eye for composition and for creating classical portraiture. We went to watch him work and admire his mastery. He wasn’t dressed too badly either in his Dundas Mandarin shirt!

For more information email jh@jameshayes.co.uk or follow @jameshayesportraits. Photos taken by @lilybungay

James is wearing the Dundas Mandarin White, apron and palette his own!