2020 hasn’t stopped British Explorer and Dundas Man, Levison Wood, from slowing down and kicking back... With his Channel 4 show Walking with Elephants hitting the nations screens back in May, Levison Wood has now published his 10th book, titled Encounters: A Photographic Journey.
Sunday Times bestselling author, award-winning explorer and photographer Levison Wood has shared more of his extraordinary journeys around the world in his first photography book. Levison has brought together more than a decades wortg of photography, telling the incredible stories of some of the world's most remote places and the people who live there. With the book broken up into 4 themes; Frontiers, Conflict, Heritage & Community we’re in for a treat.

Levison Wood signing copies of Encounters wearing the Dundas Navy

 We’re proud to say our Dundas shirts have been on many-an-adventure with Levison over the years. From his 4,250 miles long journey back in 2014 which formed his debut book and TV series, Walking the Nile. Then in 2016 Levison completed his adventure entitled Walking the Americas which consisted of 1,800 Miles, eight countries, and one incredible journey from Mexico to Colombia. Levison has seen and done it all - camping in the wild, foraging for food, fending for himself against multiple dangers. He has passed through rainforests, savannahs, swamps, deserts and lush oases and now to see a glimpse of it captured through his lens is a real privilege. 

Some of our favourite images from the collection.

Encounters: A Photographic Journey is available to buy at Waterstones & Amazon

Levison wears Dundas White, Dundas Navy & Dundas Camel