A Casual Revolution

Dressing Down in Dundas London


Smart casual and dressed up yet down, are these not the most ridiculous dress codes you have ever heard? We are teetering on the verge of fashion revolution, it is no longer just Dressed Down Fridays, but a new age of Dressed Down Always.

Long gone are the day of the 9 to 5, climbing the corporate ladder and aspirations of corner offices. Instead, today’s millennial professionals associate success with freedom. They are entrepreneurs who are masters of their own time and space, dressing in their own style and blurring the line between work and play. Couple this with men taking leisure-time seriously, and we have the rise of a Casual Revolution.

Almost 4 million people in the UK work from home. Factor in Netflix and the booming sales of quinoa and avocados, and a wardrobe of pressed shirts and three-piece-suits seems obsolete. However, this does not mean men stay in their pyjamas all day, oh no, the urban professional still travels, attends concerts and festivals alike and appears to move seamlessly between an afternoon at Henley to a night out in Shoreditch. These men still want to look good and feel good. As such, clothes need to combine detail and elegance with comfort.

The question is, if you have to come home and rip your clothes off because they are outrageously uncomfortable, then why not wear clothes you are comfortable in all the time? When you get dressed, get dressed for anything.

So where to find these clothes for this new and unconventional era? Look no further than Dundas London. Dare I say it, an English gent is sartorially elegant and has never been good at Dressing Down, in particular, linen is an affront to the very British taste – our sartorial history simply deplores creases. However Mediterranean dandies have proved that linen can make for a raffishly sophisticated casual look. It is an excellent all-rounder, owing to its laid back appeal. I am not saying you have to pretend to be a surfer or worry about your facial hair upkeep to wear linen. In fact, effortlessness is the best thing about the thin, breezy material; it doesn’t get in the way, it is the perfect medium through which to live unencumbered. Have a go, Dress Down in Dundas.

Isn’t this what the Casual Revolution is all about? Linen is the essence of spirit, style and nonchalance and once you put it on in the morning you are dressed for anything. Let go a little, stop caring that everything’s not perfect.